Breed-specific legislation Legal Action Fund

We’re holding cities and towns with breed-specific legislation accountable by taking them to court on behalf of dog owners. 

Our goal is to eradicate breed-specific legislation in the United States and we won’t stop until we do.

Our Approach to Ending BSL

It is our position that breed-specific legislation violates the 5th and 14th amendments. These bans often include a variety of dogs, not just those perceived to be “pit bulls.” It is also a way for governments to covertly discriminate against marginalized individuals.

To end these laws and expose their discriminatory nature, we have hired a national law firm well-versed in constitutional law and our lawyers have a thorough understanding of canine science.

Our Current Court Cases

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Most Recent Win

Sioux City, Iowa

We invested $300k in our first groundbreaking lawsuit in Sioux City where, until November 25, 2019, it was legal for the government to take your pet away simply because of what your dog looks like.

Past Cases

We’ve been working within the legal system to end BSL since 2007 with Dias v Denver. The case ended when the dog owners accepted a settlement but not before the federal district court hinted in its opinion that BSL violates the 5th and 14th amendments.


Result: Repeal and payment of $14k in fees/costs

Result: repeal and some financial payment

Result: Repeal and financial payment

Result: Repeal and financial payment

Result: Judge found that the city was in violation of the ADA.

How can you help?

Donate to help fund our outreach campagins and our grantee programs.

Help us collect data about the personal impact of breed restrictions, including BSL, by taking our survey.

Download and read our Breed-specific legislation toolkit, full of research and other information to help you advocate on behalf of families affected by these policies.

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