Follow the Friendship: Shelly and Her Family

At Animal Farm Foundation, we believe that all dogs, no matter how old they are, deserve to feel safe, cherished and loved. That’s why we run the Old Friends New Loves program, to connect senior dogs with loving families. Senior dogs are less likely to be adopted than younger dogs and are particularly vulnerable to […]
Perfect Fit: Why “Pit Bull” Dogs Are Flying Out Our Doors
Guest post written by Stephanie Filer, Manager of Special Gifts & Partnerships, Animal Rescue League of Iowa. A young newlywed recently asked us for help. She wanted to surprise her husband with a new dog for his birthday. Excited to assist, we created a gift that included a dog application with the words “APPROVED” on it and some dog toys. After she surprised him with […]
Looking Back on 2015: Service, Play, and Innovation
From movie stars and public service announcements to service dogs and play yards, Animal Farm Foundation has enjoyed a productive year working to secure equal opportunity and treatment for “pit bull” dogs and their families. As 2015 comes to a close, we wanted to take a look back at the highlights from this year. We’re […]
Myth Busted: Pit Bulls Don’t Bite Differently
In recent years, things have been looking up for the dogs we call “pit bulls” and their families. Breed specific legislation is on the way out. Shelters that discriminate against dogs based on appearance are the exception. The old wives tales that fueled canine discrimination have been debunked and dismissed.
From Shelter to Working K9: “Pit Bull” Dogs Keeping Communities Safe
It is the mission of Animal Farm Foundation to secure equal treatment and opportunity for “pit bull” dogs and in an effort to meet that mission, Animal Farm Foundation has formed a collaboration with Austin Pets Alive! and Universal K9 so that rescued and sheltered “pit bull” dogs can be considered for Detection Dog work, […]
Keeping Pets with Their Families: Pit Sisters Mobile Dog Training Program
Here at Animal Farm Foundation our grants program is constantly evolving to keep up with the changing needs in animal welfare. Where in the past we funded exclusively to “pit bull” specific programs, today our focus has shifted towards granting to programs that are inclusive of “pit bull” dogs, but are not exclusive to them. […]
Once This Shelter Dropped Breed Labels, Its Dogs Got Really Happy Because More of Them Found Homes
Last year, we had the privilege of working with the staff at Capital Area Humane Society in Lansing, Michigan. In addition to sending staff members to our internships, CAHS also welcomed AFF to visit their shelter and provide more hands-on training.
Raising Awareness: We’ve Come A Long Way!
Every October, groups around the country host a variety of “Pit Bull Awareness” events. These are positive, educational events. However, we know that language shapes how we perceive the world and, as animal welfare evolves, it’s important that we occasionally stop and take a critical look at how we frame “pit bull” dogs with our […]
How Does Your Organization Influence The Public’s Actions?
“No one wants to adopt our “pit bull” dogs.” In our work with shelters around the country, it’s not uncommon to hear some version of this statement. When we hear this, we like to jump in to offer what we know works to boost adoptions – better policies, welcoming adoption counseling, kennel enrichment, positive marketing. You name it; we […]
The Majority Project: New Tools To Stop “Pit Bull” Dog Owner Discrimination
When Animal Farm Foundation put out a call for photo submissions from everyday “pit bull” dog owners we never imagined that a little over a year later we’d have a (still growing) collection of hundreds and hundreds of photos. The Majority Project is the result of those photos, submitted from families around the country who […]